Saturday, August 29, 2009
Inter-AS Tournament.
we have finally finalized the date for the Inter-AS tournament! so, all the enthusiasts out there, what are you waiting for? submit your application forms as soon as possible! what's there to wait?! here are the important dates and information for you all to take note alrights?
starting games would be held on the:
5th September 2009. NIE Hockey Pitch.
all forms and payment to be made by:
1st September 2009. NIE Library Discussion Room.
(Level 4, near Photocopy Room)
Fee: $50/team
Time: 1230-1430
pre-competition briefing:
2nd September 2009. captain or one representative per team to attend. compulsory!
so, hurry people and submit your forms!
if you wish to get a form, do save the image below and print it alright (:
details of tournament:
minimum of 7 and maximum of 9 per team ("
all boys or all girls; 7-a-side tournament (:
tournament fee of $50 per team.
NIE Soccer kicked off at 9:46 PM
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Cage Sessions 3 & 4.
School term has started, and everyone is busy preparing for upcoming events for NIE Soccer Club. This would include the Annual General Meeting (AGM) cum Welcoming Ceremony, as well as our upcoming Inter-AS Tournament. Before school started, we held some 'Meet-up & Play' sessions at Kallang Cage. Here are some of the pictures (:
sure we had fun! so, do come for our future events (: let's keep fit and have fun at the same time! what are you waiting for? join us!
are you GAME enough?
NIE Soccer kicked off at 11:11 AM
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
missed us already?
our 4th MEET-UP & PLAY session is back again!
after a successful 3rd event, we're up for more. so what are you waiting for?
Date: 6th August 2009 (Thursday)
Venue: The Cage @ Kallang
Time: 1030-1300
** do rsvp your attendance asap (:
either on facebook, e-mail, tagboard, et cetera.
are you GAME enough?
*p.s: there's a compulsory EXCO meeting after the event. do confirm your attendance by informing imran, ngiap or shida (:
NIE Soccer kicked off at 12:51 AM