Tuesday, July 21, 2009
next up...
our 3rd MEET-UP & PLAY session!
missed us?
okay, we'll be having our next session on...
Date: 29th July 2009 (Wednesday)
Venue: The Cage @ Kallang
Time: 1030-1300
see you there.
are you game enough?
p.s. there will be an EXCO meeting after the event. attendance is compulsory for all EXCO members. do take note and confirm your attendance.
NIE Soccer kicked off at 12:08 AM
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The club is currently postponing most activities due to our practicum. So enthusiastic members, please do be patient alrights (: One more week of practicum to go and NSC will resume its activities as soon as possible! For now, hold on yeah (:
On the 25th June 2009, NSC had their first induction to its fellow members. It was the first formal introduction of the club to its current members. The president gave an overview of what the club is all about, followed by fun teambonding games to get to know each other better. It sure was fun as we laughed so hard at the antics of our members throughout the games (: Here are some overdue pictures.
Listening attentively to Boss (:
Proceeding to games!
First up, WHACKO!
Next, we had PICTIONARYYY!
HAHAH! Okay, it was super funny.
Next up, we had CHARADES!
and finally, a partial-family photo (:
after that, we had a short soccer game, at NIE's handball court. it was tiring, yet FUN! to those who missed this fun event, be patient! there's more lined up for you! but, ARE YOU GAME ENOUGH? (:
meanwhile, enjoy your holidays.
and for the rest, enjoy your practicum!
hope to see you all soon!
NIE Soccer kicked off at 8:34 PM
Sunday, July 5, 2009
on the 23rd and 24th June, NSC set up a small booth for the PGDE registration day cum their CCA Fair Day. it was aimed to create awareness among the new PGDE student teachers on our club, as well as recruiting them. and the response was good! (: here are some pictures of the event:
PESS people and US!
US (:
interested soccer enthusiasts!
fun shots! (because we are fun people you see)
the days ended well. but that doesn't mean we stop recruiting.
so, are YOU game enough?
NIE Soccer kicked off at 9:15 PM